Coffee for Good: Antioquia Dreams
It was a warm, muggy day in the hot Colombian sun as we descended into the Cirpes Valley between Guatape and San Rafael. Our two kids - Arlow and Wilder - led the pack. They jumped from rock to rock, crossed chilly mountain streams, and took in the majesty of the Andes Mountains. Eventually, a rural Colombian coffee farm faded into view - Finca Amistad (Friendship Farm).
Finca Amistad.
Eventually, the family patriarch, Sr. Jimenez, walked into the manicured yard, after a long day of working the coffee plants. He wiped the sweat off his brow with his tattered denim shirt, and extended a weathered hand - welcoming us to his family farm.
Sealing the deal.
I wanted to buy coffee from this family. We negotiated a price for coffee, just the right weight so we can check it as bags for the return flight to the US. We wanted the price to be a benefit to the family. They slung the bag of coffee over the back of a horse, who hiked it out of the valley for us.
Just days prior, this scene played out at Finca Rivera - we also negotiated a very fair price for coffee, it was weighed out and pesos exchanged hands.
Finca Rivera
The coffees were placed in the Renault that would take us from Guatape to Medellin for another week of exploring Colombia.
Eventually, back in Tennessee, the coffee was roasted with utmost care, to ensure a wonderful cup of coffee that exemplified the beauty of these families, their hard work, and our love for the country of Colombia.
The legendary coffees at our apartment in Medellin.
But how could this coffee be used to also help families in East Tennessee?
I recalled some conversations with a dear customer - Ethan. He was always looking for ways we could help others through the lens of coffee.
That’s it!
So we dedicated all proceeds from these coffees to be donated to the Children’s Center of the Cumberlands. Their mission is critical, and assists children and families that are affected by violence.
Roasted with love
We love that this beautiful coffee can help families on both ends - the producers and their families, and our neighbors right here in TN.
For more info and photos on these two farms and our visits, be sure to check the stories out here (Finca Rivera//Finca Amistad).